Finally, the cabinets have been installed in my kitchen and they are working to install the appliances this week and next.

The second floor is also almost finished. Just need to stain the floors, install the sink and toilet in the bathroom, and put up the French doors leading to the deck (which still needs to be built).

I think the loft in my master bedroom turned out nicely. It looks like a modern art project.

The master bedroom is also nearly finished, need to install the built-in shelves and desk, stain the floors and it will be done.

The master bathroom has the most work to be done. There has been some missing shower part that has prevented them from getting much more done in here, and it is driving me crazy. I keep offering to fly wherever to pick it up myself so we can get this thing done. They tell me another 3 weeks, but given that they have never hit a deadline, I will believe it when I move back in. Thanks to Dan, Daren, Marc, and Jeff for letting me stay with them during this 6 month renovation ordeal.