Ralph, Luis, Marc, Kevin, Nick and I rode our bikes to Herring Cove Beach on my last day in Ptown. In my opinion, it is one of the most beautiful beaches on the East Coast.

We brought Chicken Caesar Salad Wraps to eat on the beach and had plans to play Scrabble, but it was such a beautiful day, we all just relaxed and enjoyed the weather.

The boys laying out next to us reminded me of me when I first started going to the beach in Rehoboth with my friends. They were flying a kite, building sandcastles, and they built a dam to prevent the water from filling up their part of the beach.

Enjoying the sun on Herring Cove Beach was a great way to spend my last day in Ptown. Now if I only hadn't had so many vodka sodas later on, it would have been a perfect day.