I almost forgot! Next week, I'll be doing a talk and book signing at the Many Paths Bookstore in North Hollywood. Just click on those discolored words in the previous sentence or on the title of this article for all the details.
Just cuz I don't have to pack to go to this one doesn't mean it's gonna be less of a show. I'll be wearing my trademark kabuki style make-up, 8-inch platform heels, I'll be spitting blood and breathing fire and playing all my hits like "God of the Tundra" and "I Wanna Chew on Blubber All Night and Hunt Seal Every Day" -- oh wait! That's for my appearance later in the all eskimo KISS tribute band. Um, this'll be a book signing. But it'll be a damned cool one!
And all you folks in Akron, mark your calendars. I'll be speaking at the Akron Public Library on November 7th. More details as this story develops...
Before that I’ll be in New York City August 26-28 at the following locations:
• Sunday August 26, 2007- 7 PM at Bluestockings Radical Books on the Lower East Side
• August 27, 2007 at 7 PM at The Interdepedence Project at Lila Center 302 Bowery at Houston (this will be the most like a formal lecture among all the NYC appearances)
• August 28, 2007 at 7:30 PM Barnes & Noble in Greenwich Village
Then I’ll be in Montreal on August 30, 2007 at 7 PM at McGill University’s Education/Counselling Psychology Department 3700 Rue McTavish Room 233