It seems, every now and then, there would be some fuckers who ask me to use my blog's popularity to help them give some shitass cause more awareness - be it "save the whales", or "don't wear fur", or "give us paedophiles a break, we made our choice and it's our freedom!" - like I really give a shit.
The only cause I care about enough to blog about is perhaps how pink-lovers are often unfairly judged (just because we like pink doesn't mean we are all frivolous and stupid!! *sees a pink feather boa nearby and runs chirpily to it, distracted*), but that's for another day.
A few days ago, my blog was requested to "do the greater good" of helping male gay clients to be aware of horrible gay prostitutes.
That's right, here's the email "Vincent Toni" sent to me... He quoted the entire email exchange he had with NYP (for those of you who aren't Singaporean, it's a polytechnic in Singapore).
His initial email to NYP:

Nike bags very expensive meh? I am guessing this Benny isn't too good-looking else he will ask for LV. :D
I can't believe it, but NYC actually replied to him:

I'm imagining this really strict old lady that looks like McGonagall reading this and shaking her head, not knowing how to civilly reply someone like Vincent. Hahahaha...
And he is at it again:

And NYP never bo chup him leh!!

Haha, they are obviously patronising him.
He is still an unhappy person:

NYP's third and final response:

This made Vincent Toni boil, and thus his plea to me:

Hmmm... I wonder who the victim really is. Is it Benny? Is it the orange-haired sms-harasser? Or is it NYP?
I sent him this reply:

Yes I will publish it...
And my email reply to him:


Vincent very indignant!

I cannot be bothered with him so I didn't reply.
He sent me this:

At the same time, my attention for my inbox was taken away from Vincent by one Connie Jo, who apparently has the same problems as Vincent: vicious gay men who are terrible and must be made known to the public!

Now I've pissed Connie off! Her final reply:

Wooohooo... Angry.
At the same time, I received another email by Vincent Toni!

Had no idea "I hv scam U" is such a popular phrase...
I was in a good mood and felt like insulting people, so I replied him:

He didn't heed my advice to commit suicide:

Hehe... He admits his dick got cauliflower leh!! So interesting, next time Singapore got garden exhibition again must ask him go and be exhibit.
My reply:

Obviously my insults are invalid because I don't even know how the hell he looks like, but it seems to have hit a raw spot...


Well, that's the end of the saga!! Go email Vincent and have an email fight with him if you are bored!
p/s: I have nothing against homosexuality and you shouldn't either, so please don't write homophobic comments else they will be deleted.