I just got word from the people at the Interdependance Project in New York that the room in which I'm speaking holds 80 and they've already received 40 RSVPs. Pretty cool. So any of you "back East" (as they say here on the Left Coast) who plan on seeing the talk better RSVP PDQ. OK? Otherwise you'll be SOL and standing out on the street trying to wave at my passing limo like Beatle-fans in those old films. (Not that I'll have a limo, some people take things way to freakin' literally)

All the relevant info is in the post below this one.

Saw The Simpsons Movie yesterday. Liked it. But all that stuff where the critics are saying they laughed until they puked and they wanna see it 20 more times? Give me a break! How much do they get paid to say that stuff? And how can I get paid to say stuff like that?

I also saw my friends Pet Stove perform their very first ever show at the Airliner Club in Los Angeles last Saturday. Pet Stove is the future of rock and roll! They're playing at the Airliner again on the 19th. Go see 'em! They rock. Two of the members are also regular attendees at my Zazen classes in Santa Monica. Which shows what Zazen will do for you! IT'LL MAKE YOU ROCK! That's what.

AND from August 11 thru 18 I'll be sitting and sitting and sitting at the Great Sky Zen Sesshin somewhere in the middle of the woods in Minnesota. So don't try and write or call cuz I won't be in range of Internets or Cell Phones. I will regale you with tales of my great revelations afterwards.

AND I just got the re-issue of all the early Max Fleischer Popeye cartoon. Blow me down! It's amazing stuff.

OH YEAH!~ And in my continuing efforts to improve this page I have added a page of audio interviews I've done. It's on your left there. It says "INTERVIEWS I'VE DONE" or something like that. ANYONE WHO WANTS TO HELP ME DESIGN AND MAINTAIN A "REAL" WEBPAGE and is serious aboput it, please write me at

Oh, and just to encourage some comments: Everybody sucks! Porn rules! Instant Enlightenment Zen is for pussies! Tich Nhat Hahn has a funny looking hat! The Dalai Lama can bite me! And Dogen totally rules, OK?
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