Tonight was the annual running of the 17th Street High Heel Race, and as always, the spectacle did not disappoint, especially with a special appearance by Senator Larry Craig's wide stance. He was riding a toilet with handcuffs on and if you reached into the toilet bowl between his legs, you pulled out a bunch of Halloween candy. Sen. Craig was surrounded by airport security guards who pulled him up and down the street.
Sen. Craig was also surrounded by hundreds of men in dresses and thousands of people lining the streets. When I first started coming to the race, you could easily find an open spot to watch the fun. Now, you have to arrive by 6:00 pm or you will be fifteen people back and not able to see anything.
This guy looked like he was from the future. It sure is nice to see that they have Red Bull in the future.
This group of chunky girls performed a choreographed number on roller blades to the song "Bend and Snap" from the Broadway musical, "Legally Blonde." Very clever.
The race itself started at 9:00 pm and was a big blur of hair, heels, and glitter. All I can say is some of these men must have put in some significant practice running in heels because they were moving quite quickly. See for yourself by watching video of the race below.