Anyway, here's a better view of that thing that Ian MacKaye signed at Air's Video in Tokyo. You can kinda sorta see his picture in this one. Ian MacKaye is still alive. Apparently a rumor of his death has been spreading across teh Internets. But I was sad to learn of the death of Mike Offender. Mike Offender was the bass player who played the killer lick that opens up MDC's classic "John Wayne Was a Nazi" on the LP version (though not on the single version). That little lick was a big influence on me cuz it said you could play innovative bass lines in hardcore, something I always strove to do in 0DFx. I'll say a Hanya Shingyo for Mike tonight.
And, speaking of 0DFx, here's an article about my movie Cleveland's Screaming from Scene magazine in Cleveland. The Cleveland premier will take place tomorrow night (Oct. 6th) at 9:15 PM at the Cleveland Institute of Art Cinematheque. Y'all be there!
Too jet-lagged to post more right now.