In a few hours my latest Suicide Girls piece will be up. It's 11PM Monday here in the Big Mikan (Tokyo) which is 6 AM in Los Angeles. I'm going to bed soon. But I'll stick a link in here when I get up. I'm wondering if this one will cause even more people's brains to explode than the little tempest in a teapot below. You asswipes really are starved for entertainment, aren't you?
Here's a few boring things to keep you occupied till things go wacky again. The first is an umbrella vending machine I spotted near Ren's house where I'm staying now. These are by no means common in Japan. And, just by the way, I have never seen one of the used schoolgirl panty vending machines you always read about. Though I did once wander into a shop where they sold used panties in plastic baggies with photos of the girl who was supposed to have worn them. That was culturally instructive.

This one is my favorite. It's Ian MacKaye ex of Minor Threat and Fugazi. You can't really see the photo attached. But he's looking mean with his hand outstretched like maybe he's waiting to get a royalty payment. He wrote, "These are all bootlegs!"
I saw the Google ad for the stupid Holosync meditation machine was back. So I complained about it again. Hopefully it'll stop appearing. I don't mind ads for the Zen alarm clocks or Southeast Asian adventure vacations. But if I keep getting kooky meditation shit I'm gonna stop letting them run the ads at all. Seems like their robot just chooses the ads based on content. So any blogger who writes about meditation must want ads for the Holosync. Think again Mr. Roboto!
Asswipe robot...