I am really getting tired of the words, "I am NOT gay" coming out of the mouths of public officials, preachers, and other closet cases after they are caught with their pants down with other men. I mean technically, the statement is probably true for many of them, but come on, aren't we splitting hairs here? These hypocrites seem to be saying, "Don't be disgusted by me, I am not Gay. Be disgusted with the terrible mistake I made getting caught having sex with a man."

latest example is State Rep. Richard Curtis of Washington, who was being blackmailed by a 26 year-old waiter/call boy with a lengthy criminal record, Cody Castagna, pictured above with Curtis and
NSFW here. Curtis met Cody in a porn store where Curtis and later requested and received unprotected anal sex (after agreeing to pay a $1,000 bareback fee?) in his hotel room. The money quote:
"The police report contains an account of how Curtis allegedly donned women’s clothing, red stockings and a black sequined lingerie top before engaging in a sex act at the store. He continued to wear them throughout the night under his clothing."
But remember, I am NOT gay.
Read the whole sordid affair,
here. If the police have this story right, then this married with two children, conservative Republican, flag-waving, bible-banging, cross-dressing, prostitute-hiring, barebacking-fee paying, idiot needs to sell his story so this can be made into a TV movie pronto.
Thanks to
Joe.My.God. for the pictures and 411.