While in the bar at the Washington Plaza Hotel, we saw a rather large woman in her 50's dressed in leather from head to toe, twirling a leather whip around in her hand. People would walk up to her and ask her to whip them. I could not stop watching. First, this woman walked up and stood up against the wall. I think she was doing it to get a picture, but the whip woman gave her a good smack.

The woman freaked out and screamed, "Not for real, man, not for real" and told the whip woman where to stand so she would not actually get hit by the whip. Poser!

Then her friend walked up and said, "Hit me for real" and she did. Several times, over and over again on his bare, heavily tattooed back.

You can tell by the sly smile on his face that he was digging the pain and encouraging more. She never was able to beat the smile off his face, though she gave a strong effort.