When I was a kid, I worked at Amish Acres on occasion.
Amish Acres is an old Amish farm that was turned into a restaurant, theater, and major tourist attraction. I still don't understand why people travel around the world to visit Nappanee, Indiana for Amish Acres. Yet it works, and has been a very successful business for its owner, Richard Pletcher.

Richard keeps a
blog about Amish Acres and life in Nappanee, including life there after the tornado. His
most recent entry reveals that Jay Leno recycled a Chicago Tribune headline regarding Amish Acres on October 18, 2007, that was first used on July 7, 1993. I have never been a fan of Jay Leno, and I hardly ever watch "The Tonight Show" because I think he is a hack. Hearing that he recycles headlines, and before the writers' strike makes me want to recycle Jay. When does Conan take over his show? I can't wait.