I received the following email from
Nerve yesterday:
Hi Keith,
Today Nerve published an incredible new list we wanted to tell you about: “The 50 Buzziest Blog Posts of All Time.”
From Rosie O’Donnell’s kid covered in bullets to the Delta flight attendant stripper, from Mark Foley to Larry Craig to…Sinbad, we combed the internet for posts that achieved worldwide notoriety. They brought down politicians, exposed celebrity shenanigans and caused widespread consternation and controversy. And then there are other posts that never became famous, but nonetheless sparked their own wildfires of feedback, both of the go-to-hell and amen! variety.
We also wanted to let you know that out of the countless hours and hundreds (perhaps thousands!) of blogs we researched, your blog -- and yours alone -- was ranked as the Number One Buzziest Blog Post of All Time. We loved it. We were scared of it. We definitely think it deserved the #1 spot.
So thanks for posting, and thanks for reading. We hope you enjoy the list!
Kind regards,

1. "Crack is Whack" 10/28/07
We were conflicted about putting this in the #1 slot. Amidst all the other scandals, the toppled political figures and Glamour editors, wars, world leaders, Sinbad — how can one D.C. dweller's personal blog post about illicit backyard goings-on be more important? Who the hell do we think we are?
Knee Deep in Mud didn't dig up any scandalous emails to underage pages. No one was fired, hired, or shot at, and nothing contained within this post will change the course of history. Regardless, it's an incredible snapshot of a small event that says big things about urban life in America. While all this other grand history was being made just a few blocks away, this was happening in a back alley of our nation's capital.
Isn't that crazy? But it is not like I can put it on my resume or anything.
Click here to check out the 49 buzziest blog posts.