Do unto others

This post is not really about our book tour, but if you ask other people to support your readings, then you should support the readings of other people, don't you think?

That is why, if you live in or near Chicago, I am encouraging you to go Myopic Books at 7:00 pm tomorrow night to hear Elizabeth Ellen and Geoffrey Forsyth read short short fiction from their respective collections A PECULIAR FEELING OF RESTLESSNESS and IN THE LAND OF THE FREE. Their reading is not part of a tour per se, but Elizabeth is coming all the way from Michigan, and Geoffrey is coming all the way from the suburbs.

Both of them are fantastic writers. Here are some sources other than me that say so:

"Elizabeth's work is intimate. She gets right in there and gives you what she's got." --Kelly Spitzer, Smokelong Quarterly

"Geoffrey Forsyth has a wonderful way of merging reality with the just slightly off kilter magical realism to create a world that we'd love to live in." --Dan Wickett, Emerging Writers Network

I will be there for sure, so if you are too, come say hi.