Yippee! Indulgz invited me back for a fourth round of food-tasting, as they have changed their chef!
Their new chef comes from a fine-dining background, so this time, we were in for a treat (and you can too, without burning a hole in your pocket)!!
Indulgz is moving towards casual fine-dining now.
I invited my poly schoolmates:
Junne, Clara, Ben, Shuyin, and of course Mike la, who is the only one not from Singapore Poly.
To make it more fun today, I told everybody to bring their own wacky headgear!
First of all, we had to take the traditional photo outside Indulgz's doors!

I dyed my hair ashy green btw.
Once inside, owner Christin pulled Mike and I into a little booth that's decorated with only one clear purpose in mind: ROMANCE.

Isn't it pretty?

Woah! This is every girl's dream date table can!
And suddenly...

Mike whipped out roses for me!
Actually these are provided by Indulgz la, but still, I like to imagine he bought it himself... *dreamy look*
And then... He did a mock proposal to me!

Tadah! I really look very happy hor? Where is my ring??

One more without flash to show the romantic candlelight...

The pretty flowers...
Couples who want exclusiveness in Indulgz Bistro can take up this Lover's package!
Lover’s cocktail, one each, or upgrade to a full bottle of wine at 15% off the original price.
The rest of the menu is available on the website at www.indulgz.com.
They can keep any presents or surprises for the couple beforehand or even slip a secret message into a pre-ordered slice of cake or into your dessert.
Want to propose, but have no idea how to do it? Let the experts do the job! Email weddings@indulgz.com for more info.
Next we move on to the feast!
Today is party-themed!
I was completely surprised when I saw that our table had pretty pink balloons tied on the chair backs...

With little gift bags for everyone and a pink crown + wand for me!
As it turns out, this is a mock pink theme, suitable for a birthday party. Indulgz now does customization for their customers' events!
The settings are extra charges, but you no longer will have the hassle of organising anything yourself!
Indulgz Events also organize company get-togethers, DND coordination, or any company functions. You can either hold your functions in Indulgz Bistro or Indulgz can bring it out to a venue of your preference. They can even source for the venue and coordinate from scratch for you!

Shuyin has on kitty ears...
And our menu of the day is printed out for us!
How nice, just like in wedding dinners!
If you wish to, you can also request for the same.

Looks really good!

But first, mascara. You should have seen my friends' faces... They were all so hungry and had to wait for me. Wah lau! If I don't put real make up I have to spend hours drawing it on with photoshop lor!

Everyone has headgear on!
Someone tell Ben it's not Xmas yet leh...

I'm in my Indulgz tiara and Mike has on Shrek ears!

Group pic!

Our sparkling wine is served to us first... Hmmm


Junne is an alcoholic.

Christin says a bottle of good champagne
is supposed to have loads of bubbly!

Cheers to free food!
The wine is $49.90, which is really cheap for champagne. Further 10% off during happy hours!
The taste is sweet at first, and a bit dry later. I liked it, even though I don't usually drink. :)
In between the food servings, we cam-whore!

And now our first food dish!


With croutons, pieces of homemade baguette, bacon bits, and generously sprinkled with cheese with a creamy homemade sauce...
Fresh, crisp whole pieces of romaine lettuce... and a special ingredient of anchovies! Can barely taste it but it is there. Supposedly a necessary ingredient in caesar salads!

The baguette is especially a must-try! It tastes nothing like the usual baguette, but more like a crispy biscuit.
No wonder everyone's fighting for it.

Shrek's ears are itchy...

Shuyin being chio...

Shuyin being ugly...
That's supposedly a hair tuft from daiso. The description says Elvis Presley hair bun, but it looks more like pubes.

And Shuyin being weird...
"Ni kan wo!" she said happily, pointing to her single horn. "I am a one-horn monster!"
Next dish:


Yums! Potato skins with bacon and mozzarella cheese atop it.
The creamy sauce on top of it is homemade.

Especially gratifying when you are feeling hungry


Yums! Potato skins with bacon and mozzarella cheese atop it.
The creamy sauce on top of it is homemade.

Especially gratifying when you are feeling hungry

Inside: Soft baked potato, which a slightly oniony favour to it, and cheesy to add!

My notes of the day on Juicy Couture paper. :)
Next dish:


Delish! Who doesn't love soft shell crabs?
As you can see, it comes with a very unique salsa that contains capsicums and onions, etc. It is sour and mild and goes very well with the rather "heavy" taste of the crabs...
The thing I usually don't like about soft shell crabs in other places is that it is always very salty, so that after your second piece or so you don't feel like eating anymore.
Not this one! Because the batter is mild, you can fully taste the crab meat's sweetness.

Ben likes it.

And gone! Only a little of the garlicky cream sauce is left.

Shuyin tries to take a pic of us with the mirror...
Next stellar dish is...


Can you say YUM???!
Whole (not halved) humongous pieces of jumbo USA scallops, pan seared to perfection.
The flesh is succulent, bouncy almost, and cooked just the right amount.
And then, as if that's not good enough, the scallops are then wrapped in pieces of bacon, and drenched with creamy sauce.
The bacon's smoky flavour infuses the scallops to make an excellent combination!
OMG I love scallops!

Junne and Clara acting chio.
Next up we have:


This might be getting old, but for the fourth time, Indulgz's soups are really the best!
Very creamy, very tasty, and just about the best mushroom soup I've ever had. (seriously)
Since the chef is changed, the soup is no longer as chunky as before but super smooth. Wild mushrooms are used.
As you all know, truffles are really expensive! Truffle oil and a little bit of real truffles are added in this perfect concoction, so you must try it!

Everyone's scraping for the last bits of it.
But fret not, the next best-selling soup is coming up!

Yup. Not clam chowder. CRAB chowder.

With real big chunks of pain-stakingly plucked crab meat ready to be fished out of the soup... and eaten!!! WAHAHAHA!!!
This is another one of Indulgz's awesome creations. My ex-favourite soup, the lobster bisque, was removed and is now replaced with this!
Very creamy and yet has a strong "seafood" taste... Not to mention, of course, the generous potions of fresh, sweet crab meat.
The soup is smooth and has diced celery and carrots inside too. Very rich and not diluted at all!

Junne being glutton of the day while Ben looks on...
Erm, what's that expression? LOL
Erm, what's that expression? LOL

Mikey and I
More food!


Junne loves the scallops and thought that the bacon wrapped scallops was the last she would see of them, but she was wrong!

Sorry for making you see this, especially if you are hungry...

So fresh and so juicy!
As you can see, this dish comes with broccoli and Indulgz's lovely mashed potato.
The mashed potato is a little thicker and smoother than before, and creamier too.
The lobsters go very well with the truffled spinach sauce. Mmmhmm!
And seriously man, can the scallops get any bigger?
Shuyin says the lobsters are very "Q"! Q is a taiwanese-coined word to describe very 'doink doink' kinda food... Like how curly noodles bounce right back up when you pull them? This lobster is so fresh it is almost a little crunchy, and therefore is Q!

See? It's so good Ben is fighting Mike for the last piece!

As a punishment for his greediness Junne makes Ben wear her purple Mongolian head-dress...


Big slab of pink salmon,
marinated in premium Japanese soy sauce and wasabi.
Other than the usual salmon taste, it also has a mild sweet tinge to it. Comes with dill and white wine sauce!

Pan seared to the exact right amount - half raw!
The skin is crispy and salty (and not to mention has salmon fats under it). I love salmon skin!!

Ben tried to snatch food again and spilled his drink in the process! Owner Christin brought him into the storeroom and spanked him for 1 hour.
Just kidding hor.


Don't think that these chucks of lamb are just mere chucks of lamb ok!
They are braised for at least ONE FULL DAY to ensure maximum tenderness!
The sauce is very tasty and made with veggies that are cooked for so long, the taste of the lamb + veggies are all infused inside.

I eat you!
Lamb is not easy to make right as it has a strong odour sometimes, but this is good!
I noticed something...

How come there is this cute thing in the stew?!!
It is a piece of shallot!

Junne and Shuyin both bravely give it a try. It is crunchy!
Next we have steak!


I always look forward to the steaks during Indulgz's feast, and this is no exception!
Very tender, very fresh...
The juice oozes out of the steak as you chew on it, because it is chilled and never frozen!

Never disappoints!
Comes with mashed potato and mesclun salad as usual.

Clara enjoying her steak

This last piece all for me!
It's time to choose the chioest nurse!
Contestant 1:


Act sexy


Act sexy
Contestant 2:

Pretend to be a flower

Act chio

Act like a shu nu!

Pretend to be a flower

Act chio

Act like a shu nu!
Contestant 3:

Poor Ben... Ok la... I choose him.

Or is he a better easter bunny? LOL!!

Poor Ben... Ok la... I choose him.

Or is he a better easter bunny? LOL!!
We keep putting stuff on his head and he is damn game to let us girls do it.

Shuyin is very confused, apparently.
Should she be an ogre, or a bunny?

Proof that Santa Claus is not vegetarian.
And then we decided...
Why not?
Let's put wigs on the guys!!

Mike does not escape from this sad fate either!!

Oh dear, he doesn't seem to like this new hair colour...

Shuyin with her Daiso moustache
More wig drama!

Can you see how happy this Ben is?!
He was shaking his head to make the hair fly lor, damn funny!!!

Junne acting chio again! Haha

Clara with big lips and a bigass mole

Lala and me!
Stop the camwhoring for a bit coz the next dish is here!


See the crab meat? Woo!
Garlicky linguine cooked al dente.
This pasta dish is done in traditional Aglio Olio style with extra-virgin olive oil, chilli flakes and red capsicum bits!
Very zesty and seafoody.
Big portion too, for hungry people!

Food time!
Can you see the smoke coming up from the dish? Woohoo!
Back to cam-whoring...

Junne tries on the black "Angela-baby" wig...

While I take the purple. Actually these wigs belong to Kaykay! She left them in my house, haha...
Ugly photo coming up!!


Remind me never to go bald. And just so happens, my eyes were totally awry lor. How sexy.

I think only Shuyin managed to look chio in the short black wig (ok la, also Ben)...

I'm asked to join the picture although I don't have a wig to wear, because according to them, my hair already looks like a wig. WTF?!

Purple-haired people still need to eat ok!!
And then, in the midst of our embarrassing camwhoring, the chef came to introduce himself!!

The guy who cooked us all the great food for the night!
And introducing...


OMG... I have to rave about this!!
I've never had anything like this!
The william pears are glazed, pitted and exceedingly soft. Sweet and light and smooth, it is nothing like pears we commonly eat.
You know how pears sometimes have a "sandy" taste to it? These pears don't have that at all!
Poached for 2-3 hours in saffron and drenched in very very yummy, homemade caramel, this is a must-try of a dessert!
The ice-cream is also homemade vanilla icecream, and it blends perfectly with the william pear.
More dessert!

I love thick chocolate cakes! You know, not the spongy kind but the very creamy and heavy sort.
This cake is one of Indulgz's signature gourmet ones!
The chocolate is moussey and velvety smooth.

The inside is filled with layers of chocolate mousse, banana mousse, as well as an abundant amount of walnuts and cookies.
Comes with vanilla ice cream with homemade berry compote!
And lastly, we have our thick shake of the day!


Whipped cream and raisins on the top...
Creamy smooth and a bitter sweet milky rum shake in the middle...
With bits of crushed raisins at the bottom!
Very sweet, with a slightly alcohol aftertaste. I like this! It tastes like baileys to me, although nobody agrees...

Shuyin likes it!

And so does Clara!
We thought we were done for the day but Christin put these weird bottles and glasses on the table...

She organised a game for us!

I wonder what we have to do...
As it turns out, the game's really fun and we are basically supposed to mix an alcoholic beverage into a stipulated colour!
I go first and my chosen colour was black!! WTH!!



They said its not black so I have to drink it! It is black lor hello!! I never photoshop it black hor!

Cannot finish so give to bf...

Bleah! Dunno I mixed what turned out so horrible.

Ben is a pro and finishes it up.

Clara's turn

Mike delibrately does his wrong so he can drink...

Junne's turn... She was supposed to make blue, then she went to mix yellow and green and white! Hello!!

Haha lousy!

Shuyin's colour is brown and she did it right but we made her drink it anyway!
At the end of the day, here's everyone's favourite food!!
Shuyin: Lamb Stew
Clara: Crab Chowder
Ben: Mushroom soup
Mike: Bacon wrapped scallops
Me: William pears
Junne: Salmon, bacon-wrapped scallops and potato skins! Hello, supposed to only choose one but she said she cannot decide.
Isn't it funny that everyone has different favourites? :D
This marks the end of my entry!
Thanks Indulgz for the very very fun evening!!
Remember to go to Indulgz if you got any special occasions to celebrate, or just for a happy night out!!
Once again, here's Indulgz's website, and it is located at Tan Quee Lan street, walkable from Bugis MRT! Phone no: 6238 7032
Set Lunches are available from Tuesday to Friday 11.30am to 3pm. Choose to upgrade any main courses or pasta from the Ala Carte menu to a FULL SET LUNCH MENU starting from $5.00+ (includes a soup of day, main course/pasta, coke/sprite & one scoop house vanilla/chocolate ice-cream).
Other upgrades are also available. Please log on to Indulgz's website at www.indulgz.com under “Lunch” for more details.
Weddings can be non-hassle if you leave your solemnization or customary wedding ceremony in the hands of Indulgz's Wedding Concierge. Email to weddings@indulgz.com for details.
Log on to www.styleweddings.sg for a detailed editoral of Indulgz Weddings and their services.