I am back, after a break from blogging for few weeks. Many of you close to me know that the past few months have been rough; ripping my calf muscle playing tennis, firing my contractor before finishing my house because they were crooks, not having enough cash available to finish my deck, and moving back into my house and being disappointed in some of the furniture and having nothing work correctly. It sent me in a downward spiral of depression that left me disconnected and in a constant state of agitation.
My friends have been a huge help, especially those who let me crash in their homes while my house was being renovated. A big thanks to Dan, Daren, Marc, Kevin, Jeff, Ralph and Luis for letting me be a temporary house guest. I also want to thank Tom, Marcia, Farris, and Dave for keeping me occupied at Jack's and JR's the past few weeks to distract me from the house. They all deserve medals for putting up with my frustrated venting the past 9 months.
I understand that it is a bit ridiculous to complain about my relatively small woes. It is not like I have a terminal disease or I lost my house in a hurricane, but even though I recognize that, I still can't seem to gain the proper perspective about it.
All of that said, my house looks pretty amazing and across the next couple of months, by switching out some furniture and fixing the plumbing and HVAC system, I hope to have it in a place where I can obsess about something more positive, like the world-wide financial crisis.