•June 13, 2010 - Zazenkai in Nijmegen 9am - 5 pm: Kapelruimte, Erasmusiaan, Nijmegan. Contact: hannyvandeweerdt@gmail.com
After that I'm off over the sea to Northern Ireland. That info is all at http://web.me.com/doubtboy/Site/BookTour_2010.html.
Our stealthy entry into Germany was a success. We used clever disguises and made it across the border without being spotted by the enemy. Once in Germany we commenced undercover operations in Wuppertal, then headed back across the border to our secret location.
Yesterday I visited Amsterdam where I took the photo posted above. An adequate description of your humble correspondent, I think.
In Amsterdam I did four interviews. 8 AM with English Breakfast Radio, 10 AM with Bodhi TV, 1 PM with Vorm en Leegte magazine (aka Form & Emptiness) and 3:30 PM with the Buddhist Broadcasting Organization for radio. They have a Buddhist radio station in the Netherlands. Hippies!
Then today I did a noon to six pm zazenkai. Tomorrow it's 9 am to 5 pm zazen-ing. That's enough Zen for anybody!
I'm getting tired of being known as "the guy who criticizes Big Mind®," which is what a couple of the interviewers yesterday wanted to talk to me about. But such is life, I suppose. I got what I deserved, blah, blah... I am glad to be the guy who criticized Big Mind®, so I guess this is what I gotta be known as. But I'm fed up with the topic at this point and don't want to discuss it further. I've said what I have to say already numerous times.

ALSO OF NOTE: A new Dimentia 13 download is available now. From the ancient year 1990 it's our final LP for Midnight Records, Flat Earth Society! Yay! The permanent link is to your left (or just click on the title of the LP right in this paragraph). Get it now! Collect 'em all! (Let God sort 'em out)
I'll write some about this album soon....