It’s been a long strange trip through Europe. I’ve been to France, Poland, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands and Northern Ireland. This has been the most extensive tour I’ve done so far. I’ve met amazing people and seen amazing things. I’ve talked Zen in places I had never even heard of before setting out on this journey.
I want to thank all my hosts; Arnaud Peuch in France, Slawek Piela in Poland, Dirk Grosser and the folks at Aurum Publishing in Germany, Regina Oberndorfer in Frankfurt, Markus Laitinen in Finland and the lovely woman who lent me her Helsinki apartment whose name I’m totally unable to recall at this moment (I’m sorry! I’ve been so many places the brain is totally scrambled), Hanny van de Weerdt in The Netherlands, Gary and Julian in Northern Ireland and Andrew Deakin in London when I first arrived in Europe this year.
I gotta be up at 5 tomorrow morning so this will be a short entry. I have a longer one planned on “what is Buddhism” that will partly be a response to all the trolls who like to leave sarcastic comments about how I never quote Buddha himself, only my own teachers and sometimes Dogen. There’s actually a really important point to be made about that. So all you trolls, hurry up and get your sarcastic remarks in while there’s still time!
I’m not sure if I’ll have Internet access in Israel or not. And even if I do, I’m not sure I’ll have any time to post till I get back to North Carolina in about a week and some days.
I’m working on my Autumn Tour to promote the release of SEX, SIN AND ZEN (due out in September). I have a few tentative dates in the SF Bay area, New York, Montreal and Saskatoon. Anyone who wants me to come to their neck of the woods this Autumn should write to me and we’ll see what we can do. The address is brad.warner@mac.com.
So till then, stay sick, turn blue, scratch glass, climb walls and do it while you can but don’t get caught!
(bonus points to the first one who recognizes where that last line comes from)