Ahhh, smell the air. What is that? Ballsack? Freshly trimmed asshole? Skeeted Sperm? Mmm mmm mmm. Gotta love the sex saunas in this town. Okay, so the truth is I've been back from Montreal a full 2 plus weeks, but the memories remain. This last time around, I visited two hot all-male strip clubs Stock Bar and Campus. Both these places rock and the men are super hot. Their muscles have muscles. And the tatts just...just...Je ne sais quoi, okay? I had drink after drink with my friend watching these men gyrate in and out of clothing. I wasn't aware they were able to come out completely naked with raging hardons. (Oooh Daddy like.) Every time we'd leave the strip club, I'd have to walk across the street and go to a bathhouse (I love the convenience of the Ste. Catherine Street Gayborhood *teehee*.) These men know how to enjoy sex. Whether it was trying G.I. JOE for the first time or going back to OASIS, there were always hot guys ready to go and ready to make our experience a great one. There was non of that standing around forever and ever and never hooking up. One of the more memorable guys was Francois (I can include the name because Francois in Canada is like John everywhere else.) He was this tall muscle stud who was sitting in his tiny room masturbating his sweet dick with the door open. I walked by and stood in the entryway just long enough to show I was interested. He nodded for me to come in, never taking his big paw from his fat cock. There was lots of kissing, body rubbing and riding his dick. I was glad he just stuck his lubed bone in my hole raw. It's such a crazy turn on when a guy is fucking me and has to withdraw suddenly because he's SOOOOO close to cumming. This happened several times. I really didn't want him to blow too soon. Having his cock inside me felt way too good. It fit like a glove. Eventually we had sweated things up a great deal and he wanted a break. I totally understood. He asked if we could exchange numbers. My phone was in my locker, but I gladly gave him my info and left. (For the record, no he has not called. lol)
Another highlight was getting fucked briefly in a sling and sucking 2 loads from a heavy set, redheaded skater cutie who'd just taken a fall from his board the day before. As a result, he had a big bruise along the right side of his torso that I inadvertently kept stroking. It wasn't until I asked him about what I thought was either a raised tatt or ritualistic scarification that he revealed exactly what it was and that it still hurt like a bitch. (Sorry.) I asked why he kept letting me touch it when he knew it was so painful, but he didn't want to be a pussy. I also fisted a sexy guy (Brazilian?), I kid you not, all the way up to within about 2 to 3 inches of my elbow. Once my wrist was in, I began to feel somewhat like I imagine an animal feels as it's being consumed by a large snake. I could feel him literally sucking me in. He had such great control over his cunt hole and I wasn't turned off at all. I was intrigued. This was miles above and beyond my first fisting episode with the old Austrian, which was just gross. I also got fucked in a sling (oh did I already mention that? Woops. It was just once, I promise,) but I took no loads during any of the 3 visits we made between the 2 saunas. In fact, our last night there, I rented a room just to sleep in until it was time to catch our bus.
To bring things back to Boston, I've been seeing C aka Donkey Dick on the regular. In fact, I sometimes spend every other night at his place on the average. While I'm in no danger of being in love at this juncture, it's sweet to have regular romance from the same person. He's a big cuddler and so am I. Because of our very different schedules, it's a wonder we even know each other. Sometimes when I get to his apartment, it's after midnight and he's already nodded off in the chair waiting for me to get there, already having texted me every 10 minutes or so "are you almost here? Hurry up so we can go night night. Fading fast." When I finally get there, we'll talk for a few minutes, then brush our teeth together, crawl into bed, kiss each other goodnight and cuddle up with the cat between our feet. (He has a Himalayan. I can't believe he ever tried to pass himself off as straight. Hehe.) The other night when I stayed over, it was so cute: In the middle of brushing our teeth together, I just laid my head on his shoulder. (Aww. Tender moment.)
The pic above was taken nearly 2 months ago at the DD two blocks from me. You can't see it at all here, but the youngster with the red backpack was just the cutest fucking thing I'd seen that day. His clothes are so baggy, you can't even see the booty. While I do get oh so tired seeing people wear over-sized clothing, I confess to enjoying a good hookup with a hot dude who has hidden the shape of his beautiful body by wearing something too big. Then, when I finally do see what's underneath (and I WILL see it), I can unwrap him like a gift and scream at the top of my lungs, "OH MY GOD! IS IT MY BIRTHDAY? YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE!" Okay, I don't really say that.