Taliban Murders 7 Year Old Boy to Punish Grandfather

Religion — By Arnold Vintner on June 11, 2010 at 9:42 pm

Abdul Woodod Alokozai, a tribal elder in the Afghan village of Heratiyan, recently spoke out against the Taliban and make positive statements regarding the government of Hamid Karzai.

In response, local Taliban militants grabbed Abdul’s seven year old grandson from the garden where he was playing and hanged him from a nearby tree.

The murder took place not far from the location of a recent Taliban attack on an air ambulance which was evacuating British casualties. An American Pave Hawk helicopter was shot down and all four crew were killed while attempting to rescue the ambulance.

Islam is often cynically referred to as the Religion of Peace. It appears that the young boy has now found the only peace that Islam has to offer.
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