The Dove World Outreach Center, a non-denominational church in Gainesville, Florida, will celebrate “Burn the Koran” day on September 11.
Terry Jones, pastor of the church, says the burnings will be held on church grounds “in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11 and to stand against the evil of Islam. Islam is of the devil!”
On its website, The Dove World Outreach Center sells “Islam is of the Devil” T-shirts.
In response to the announcement, The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling upon Muslims in the Gainesville area to host a “Share the Koran” by distributing copies of Islam’s holy text to neighbors, public officials, law enforcement officers and members of the press.
Pastor Terry Jones is calling upon Christians throughout the country to mail copies of the Koran to the church so that the congregation can create a massive bonfire.
As soon as the plans for “Burn the Koran” day were announced, one of the Church’s signs proclaiming “Islam is of the Devil” was vandalized.
“Free speech is not Sharia compliant,” Pastor Jones says, “and the Moslem Mafia (CAIR) is openly opposed to our signs and message. But this is America and we have the law on our side.”
He adds: The police defend us and our rights, the Fire Department have no problem with our having a bonfire on 9/11, and we will not be silenced.
Pastor Jones and members of his congregation say they got the idea for “Burn the Koran” day from a Facebook page campaign called “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.”
That campaign was initiated in reaction to threats against cartoonists and artists drawing images of the prophet Mohammed, which is forbidden in Islam.
The Florida church states its mission as follows: “To expose Islam for what it is. It is a violent and oppressive religion that is trying to masquerade as a religion of peace, seeking to deceive our society.”