I am sick to the back teeth, of the daily papers calling the BNP, day after we read in the papers how the Muslims are taking us over. yesterday we read that by 2012 there will be more Muslims in Leicester than white people. In Rochdale we read how one school that holds 500 people, are all Muslim, not one white person in that school. We read how the Muslims want to fly the Islamic flag over Downing street, and how the Muslims have over 85 Sharia law courts in Great Britain. We read how the ex Labour MP Malik said that within the next thirty years it will be an Islamic government ruling Britain. We also read how Labour has planned mass immigration, and now the Lib-Dems and Conservitives have took that over. And now David Cameron wants to flood Great Britain with untold thousands of Muslim Turks. And yet knowing all this the papers call the BNP for having the guts to stand up for the British people, and the British way of life. To call them racist is totally out of order. As you know David Cameron is a founder member of the UAF, and you will also know they are nothing but thugs, yet they are allowed to cause violance wher ever they go, without anything being said. But God help the BNP, the ones who are standing up for our country. The British public are brainwashed to thinking the Muslims will never take over, well i think you had better take a close at what you wright, and the other papers, you write on one hand, what the Muslims are doing, and on the other hand, you call the people who want to put a stop to it? SHAME ON YOU. I am a disabled person, and in 30yrs from now i wont be around, but my grand children will be and so will yours, what will you say when your grand children ask you, why you let this happen. You are traitors to your own country,and yellow through and through. Who will remember in the next 30yrs what our fathers and four fathers died for, no one will, because by then it will be an Islamic state, and we will all be Muslim.