
That's just what C asked me the other morning before he gave my ass what it wanted. He shot so much, his cock was still dripping when he rolled over onto his back panting, trying to catch his breath. I didn't shower like he did. Once he got in the shower, I threw on my jeans and t-shirt with his load still greasing up my cum hole. I love getting fucked first thing in the morning! Over the last week and a half, he's filled my ass every couple of days. Love it. Love it. Love it.
I shouldn't be, but I'm embarrassed to admit that lately I've been having a hankering for some Grade A pussy. Beyond eating it that one time with the married couple, I've never had any. But I really enjoyed sucking it and damn-near fisting it: felt very accommodating and super wet in there. Well, at least hers did. I've had a few opportunities to engage in an MMF, but it's going to have to be one where there's some man on man action. There's a hot bi dude I've spoken with from Craigslist who plays with his girlfriend. I may have mentioned him here. We've never connected, but we have each other's phone numbers and have talked a few times about him fucking me while she watches, them both sucking me, us sucking him...a lot of combinations. I loved that he wasn't shy about communicating his lust. Did I mention that his pic portrays this little 27 year old as having a hot body and a huge cock. The only thing keeping me from setting it up is that I'm nervous. Viagara or something similar would be just the trick, along with not cumming or even stroking for a few days. That way, my horniness would make me do it.
Anyway, N texted me last week. He's the late 20s skater dude who smokes pot and is totally hot. There's been plenty of texting between us since that first night, but we've never been able to connect again. Wouldn't you know it? Last week was more of the same. While I was spending the night at C's and pretty much getting ready to climb in bed, he texted to say "hey" and ask if I was around. It would've been better if he'd just left it at that without adding, "[I] was going to the [M]iddle [E]ast for an electric zombie dance party with some friends[,] but they bailed." Yeah. We all play second banana sometimes. Hell, most of the people who read this blog LOVE sloppy seconds (another story entirely), but I wasn't in the mood to have that fact thrown in my face. I'm quite sure he didn't mean it that way and there wasn't anything I could've done about it, as I wasn't free to meet anyway. Nevertheless... Add to that the fact that over half of his texts and promises to meet end in his last minute cancellation and you can easily see why I simply responded with, "[o]h okay. I'm going to bed. Have fun." I didn't get a response :) Whatev.
Today, after lunch, I met up for a brief pump and dump session in a Back Bay hotel with a flight attendant from BBRT. He was leaving in several hours to head back to Ireland. (I love that accent: makes me drip.) This dude was a bit over 6 feet, slim, cute ass, furry crack, handsome and a hungry hole. The stuff dreams are made of. I understood he wasn't looking for anyone to super fuck him for long. He just wanted the load. I was there about 20 minutes at the most. (I saw. I came. I left.) Thankfully, his flight attendant status didn't make him say, "thank you. Come again." I don't think I'd have been able to stop myself from laughing.
The pic above is me two days ago playing on mebeam.
The other pic was taken several weeks ago a few blocks from my apartment. You can't see him well (had to take a long shot with my phone), but the construction worker right in front of the street cone is fucking RIPPED. He and his crew worked on that church several weeks. One morning I got off the bus while it was drizzling just to sit watching him while I drank my coffee and ate breakfast :)
Two Load Hetero Creampie
Free Piss Site
Finally, a bi site with BB. I might join.
I fucking LOVE Brazzers. They have some of the best production, best ideas and hottest actors and actresses. No I'm not getting kick-backs. lol. I don't subscribe. I just enjoy the clips. You gotta laugh your ass off at most of their shit, though.
Manhattan Rentboy
Normally not into 18 year olds, but this dude bears eXXXtreme reconsideration.