We are now having Halal meat shoved down our throats weather we like it or not, and the British public don't have a clue what they are eating. Football clubs. Hospitals, Pubs,and Schools are all turning to Halal meat, just so we don't upset the Muslim population. So anyone visiting the Reebok on a Saturday afternoon to watch Bolton play, could well be eating Halal meat in their meat pies or pasties. Manchester United. Wembley and Twickenham all sell Halal meat in their food at half time. The British way of life is being taken away from us from under our very noses, the people of Britain need to wake up but it seems the British lion is very much asleep, and this is due to brainwashing by the constant lies of the Lib/Lab Con. They have introduced Halal meat without anyone knowing, will we wake up one day to a Muslim Government without anyone being told? The BNP are the only party that can help Great Britain to get out of the mess we are in. Help us to win the fight against the Muslim take over of Great Britain. Make your vote count. VOTE BNP.