A group of us went to the Black Cat tonight to see
El Vez, the Mexican Elvis. Here is a blurry picture of Tom standing with El Vez before the show started. This was my second time seeing El Vez. I saw his Christmas show a couple of years ago, but got kicked out before it ended after calling a girl the "C"-word after she knocked my phone out of my hand twice as I was taking pictures. So I had to promise to behave this time.

El Vez has to be one of the most intelligent Elvis impersonators out there today and his shows are a lot of fun. This year, he is running for president, because he is tired of the policies of the Bush Administration. Not surprisingly, his platform is anti-war and immigrant friendly.

I am proud to say that I made it through the whole show without being escorted out this year. And after he autographed Tom's stomach "Viva El Vez" with an arrow pointing down to Tom's crotch, I just might vote for him too.