The good thing is, now T's my friend again.
And some other good news!!

Tadah! Passed my advanced!
I was in a damn glum mood travelling there. When I reached, I paid money to the cabbie and said to myself, "Ok, I go take the test already..."
He turned around, smiled at me and told me good luck, so that really cheered me up. How come ah? It's so nice when strangers are nice to you.
I had about 5 or so questions I wasn't sure of, so I anyhowly ti-kum lor. And passed!!
It's so great... Now the tests are computerized so you will know your results immediately!
Yup yup!!
I booked my practical test too. It will be on the 5th of December!! If I pass it, I will be able to drive in USA (flying 10th of Dec)!! Excitedness!! Then I won't have to keep asking a reluctant Mike to drive me to the mall!!!!!! OMG!!

Here's my PDL
Too bad it ends on 11th of Nov. I guess I'd have to renew it.
Manual or Auto??
I booked for an auto test, coz I'm like pretty sure I'll fail the manual... But Mike drives a manual car so even if I pass the auto I can't drive his car!!!!!!
Decisions decisions!
Me driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The image is fucking hilarious. I'm so short I expect I will have to sit on several tall cushions. Oei! Stop laughing hor!!
Also... also...
ZHNG-ed MY SIDEKICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally the little fucker works!!
My code arrived!!! I paid $92 for someone to unlock it on eBay! :(
The amount of money I spent on this phone........ Le sigh...
But it's worth it!!
It is as heavy as a brick and has zero functions - the camera sucks big time, the internet functions cannot be used, and the battery life is tragic (1 day)...
But... Everyone is still very impressed by the swivel screen! Plus it's designed by JUICY COUTURE, so no complains!
I know... You are waiting with baited breath......

With flash...

With flash...
I am so sorry the photos really cannot manage to capture the real chioness of it.
The crystals are not dark pink like that. And the colour I used for zhnging was Light Rose AB.
AB crystals are fucking chio la! It's like this iridescent coating on top of the crystals that make them sorta multi-coloured...

Without flash.
I guess this is the most accurate portrayal of the correct colour, but without flash you cannot see how sparkly it really is. Plus the pic is blur...

The phone is decorated with baby pink pearls and about 7 different sizes of light rose AB crystals.

With flash

The left side of the picture shows how it's like in real life.
The left side of the picture shows how it's like in real life.
I'm waiting for the a new batch of crystals to come from!! When they do, I'm gonna zhng the back of the phone too. Bling bling!!

Paul and Kaykay... I was there when they were filming their Singing Challenge. That's donkey years ago can?!
AND FINALLY..........
The photos you guys have been requesting for!!
My lip fillers!!

No make-up except for eyelash extensions
These are taken on the first night the fillers were done, so they are still tremendously swollen.
I really really liked them when they were that size! I know most of you will be like, oh, look like duck etc, but I liked it!!!
Unfortunately, Dr Georgia Lee wanted to go light on me since it's my first time, and didn't put so much filler in. After the swell went down, the difference is quite subtle. If I can, I'll go and ask her for a bit more.
DR LEE IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg I have to rave about her. She's really nice! And when you talk to her, she doesn't care about charges or price... she's more interested to sincerely HELP us girls get prettier.
It's like an art for her, that's why she analyzes your face for you and gives advice on what can be improved, etc.
She gave me around maybe 20 small jabs on the lips. She has like all these little tips and tricks for how to do it so it will have the maximum and best effect!!
I've went with friends to other aesthetic doctors too, but I feel that they don't have that sort of sincerity and passion... They just do whatever they are asked to, and that's it. It is no wonder Dr Lee is the hot favourite among the stars la!!
If you want to do non-invasive work too, you can give her clinic a ring. Her website is HERE.
She's really good!!! I can't stop raving can??
Night out at Rouge
I met with Rozzie and Gillian, together with Rozzie's friends Patricia Mok and Gordon.

On cab there. I dunno what's with the solemn expression.
See, the lips are nice right?? The difference is not that much, but from the side it is more obvious.

Me with Pat.
She's like a more toned down version of herself on TV in real life. Still very funny and expressive, but not so loud. Haha!! I really like her!! And she very vain and gossipy!! Hehe...
And also also!! My smile's not so gummy anymore!
So if you have a gummy smile too... Maybe can give Dr Lee a ring? BTW she never asked me to advertise for her hor. I just like her and her work so much!!

My normal cam mode... Pat adjusted the flash settings, and...

I dunno how she did it lor! Looks like daylight outside.


I love the lips and Dr Georgia Lee!
Omg it rhymes.
I love the lips and Dr Georgia Lee!
Omg it rhymes.