You gotta love it when you get asked if you would like to sit in the front row to see George Michael. I could have almost reached out and touched him, if I didn't know he would like it so much. I went with Tom, who ended up dancing and screaming the entire concert with the rest of the girls in the audience. It was like George was Jesus or something.

George sounds great and he looks pretty good for being 50-something, until I found out he is only 45. Looks like the hard living, drugs, and bathroom blow jobs are starting to take their collective toll on his face. He sang most of his big hits from 80s and early 90s and some newer songs that were hits in Europe. I wanted to hear "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" and kept yelling it out when everyone else was yelling, "Freedom."

Tom and I were sitting near some very interesting folks. A couple of women next to us had been to 65 George Michael concerts, which is remarkable when you consider that this DC concert was his 100 concert. They knew all of concert roadies, security guards, technicians, and George Michael's boyfriend, who came over to say hello to them. I kept wanting to say to all of the women who were screaming their lungs out, "You do realize that he is gay, don't you?"

My favorite part of the concert was when George came out in his police uniform and sang "Outside." You gotta have respect for someone who, after being arrested for soliciting a police officer in a public bathroom, turns the experience into a hit song. In fact, I have to hand it to George for letting it all hang out there. He appears to be one of the most refreshingly honest artists with one of the best voices out there today. You go George!