What goes better together than an Elvis impersonator (or "tribute artist" as we were told last night) and lesbian Jello wrestling? Turns out, nothing does.

Tom and I started at Eric's birthday party at the Looking Glass Lounge. Eric has had a rough summer, especially with the
recent tragic loss of his
hilarious cat Buster, and he needed a cathartic moment. I think
Elvis E was just the release Eric needed. Read Eric's recap of the night

Then Tom and I drove to DC's lesbian bar, Phase One, for Jello wrestling. It was my first Jello wrestling experience and it will be one that I will remember for always.

Apparently, there were no prizes or tournament, anyone could sign a waiver and wrestle for no particular reason. The first several bouts were lesbian matches, most in bikinis or underwear. Then there was a FTM (Female to Male) vs lesbian match, which was interesting.

Then Marcia's little brother, Jeffrey, showed up with some friends and all five of them ended up wrestling together. It was absolutely hilarious and a great way to end a very random night.