ELKHART, Ind. — To understand just how grim things have gotten in this northern Indiana town, consider a new law passed last month by the City Council that limits residents to one garage sale a month.I think it is horrible that the Elkhart City Council is now limiting residents to one garage sale a month. What do they expect these people to do to make money? Most of the RV manufacturing jobs are gone and the people still working are working part time, 4 days on - 1 week off. Even my father was laid off last week from his factory job. Things are bad in Northern Indiana so who cares if people decide to sell stuff on their property everyday.
It seems the perpetual garage sales — which for scores of people in this town are a sole source of income, and for others the only source of clothing — were annoying some residents. The restrictions will make the financial pinch that much tighter.
What is more horrible, however, was the following quote from the NYT article:
“I think Obama’s kind of arrogant,” said Theresa Ghrist, 40, whose work schedule has been reduced at her R.V. plant. “When it comes down to it around here, people are going to vote color, and I don’t think people are ready to vote for a colored president. I don’t care myself, but at work a lot of people talk color there.”I am not so sure you don't care yourself, Theresa. I grew up with that crap of everyone not caring themselves, but this is how others think. Enough of that crap. Move on. Race doesn't matter, unless you are driving behind an Asian woman. I don't care myself, but I have heard other people talk about it.