A big group of us went to the Miss Adam's Morgan Pageant this past Saturday to celebrate Deb's upcoming wedding. Sort of like a bachelorette party consisting of her gays and Marcia. Most people that attend, wear some sort of Halloween costume or dress in drag. Before you say anything, I know that I don't make an attractive woman.

One of the best costumes at the event was this "lipstick on a pig." You may noticing that the cool shoes he is wearing are actually the paper centerpiece from our table.

We had a lot of fun, from what I remember. This drink here was probably not a good idea, because I went from fun and bubbly to...

...looking crosseyed in this picture with Deb. Maybe I was keeping one eye on the camera and the other on her kids jumping out of their cups.

Regardless, this "Anne Wilson on a bender" moment is just a mess. I kept forgetting I was in a mini-skirt when I sat down. Anyway, I want to take this moment to ask anyone who saw this live and/or on this blog, "I am so sorry."

After the show ended, we all crammed 10 people into a truck. I was in the back, rolling around as Bill drove us to Duplex Diner. I lasted about 15 minutes inside before I grabbed a cab and went home. The next morning, both my feet and head hurt. It was a great night!