I don't really remember taking this picture on Saturday night at McDonald's. I assume that I took the picture to determine if the woman to the right was in fact a woman. Not that I care, but I have been noticing an increasing number of MTF's in the neighborhood. I still can't tell, but it looks like I got busted taking the picture.

Still hungover from the night before, a group of us went to the Turkish Festival on Freedom Plaza near the White House. When we arrived, we saw these men dressing a boy in some traditional Turkish outfit, instructing him on the history of Turkish dress and culture.

We then walked over to see the dancers performing in a tent. I was hoping to see some Whirling Dervish dancers, but we did not stay very long because kids playing dress-up and dancing women seemed to be the only attractions at Turkish Fest.

Because Turkish Fest was somewhat of a bust, we walked to the National Portrait Gallery. I enjoyed seeing all of the Presidents' portraits, and I especially liked the Lincoln portrait, as he is one of my favorite US President.

The gallery also had an exhibit of celebrity posters used to market movies, concerts, and products. I thought these posters pushing Blackgama Fur with the tag line, "What Becomes a Legend Most?" were gay as can be. I mean Judy Garland (looking stoned), Shirley MacLaine (doing quite a high kick), and Bette Davis (smoking of course) in fur is high camp.

After eating and margaritaing it at Rosa Mexicana, we walked home from Chinatown. On our way, I found this sign in front of a Catholic church slightly disturbing. For real?