I think comics should be more honest when they are trying out new material so you can lower your expectations. So, I am sorry Kathy, because I am a huge fan, but you can SUCK IT, until you have your act ready prime time. I mean, she failed at making the whole Sarah Palin thing funny, and that is a no brainer. But then again, I didn't pay for the ticket, so it was totally worth it. Thanks Christine!!!
Kathy Griffin Can Suck It!
Author: blog xxxI think comics should be more honest when they are trying out new material so you can lower your expectations. So, I am sorry Kathy, because I am a huge fan, but you can SUCK IT, until you have your act ready prime time. I mean, she failed at making the whole Sarah Palin thing funny, and that is a no brainer. But then again, I didn't pay for the ticket, so it was totally worth it. Thanks Christine!!!