A big night in Ptown is Showgirls, hosted by Ryan Landry and Dina Martina. Usually they come out and introduce the acts, but this night, they sat at this table for most of the show, drinking and eating spaghetti.

A surprise for the evening was Sandra Bernhard. I absolutely love her. I saw her in concert once right after 9/11, and one of my favorite movies was, "Without You I'm Nothing." If you have never seen this movie, you need to see it immediately. The last number, "Little Red Corvette" is one of the most brilliant interpretations of Prince's song ever.

Obviously, I have broad tastes, but I just could not get into a 75-year old man, dressed as a little girl, lip synching to a song about breaking his doll. Very freaky.

I can't even tell you what this group of straight guys was trying to do. I think the point was to be naked and dance around. I wanted to throw my drink at them and boo.

Then there was Debbie Downer, who was Showgirl of the Year in 2007. She is a little hit or miss with her performances, but they are usually entertaining.

My favorite part of the whole night is when Debbie jumped into the crowd and surfed to the back. Given that everyone watching the show is usually hammered, that took some real courage.