First thing first: I snapped this pic on the Orange Line while on my way to Main Street Video in Somerville to have a little booth fun. Check out the legs on this dude. Would've licked them for hours. Obviously, I don't make it a habit to show faces, but he was very cute. We started checking out each other on the Blue Line and continued making eye contact on the Orange Line. I kept thinking, if this dude is going to Main Street Video, his dick is mine.
In my first truly interactive posting, I'm asking you to get involved and lend your input. The other night while having beers with my only 2 straight very cute friends D and R (I love those hoes), the conversation turned to what constitutes addiction. Naturally, we all had sex on our already debaucherous minds.
American Heritage online dictionary defines addiction as compulsive physiological and psychological need for (a habit-forming substance), which lines up with what I said. It has to do with a lack of control. Enjoyment and frequency may or may not be a factor. Consider alcoholics who may only drink once a year, but get so wasted that one time every time: lack of control, lack of frequency.
David Duchovny and Eric Benet are two famous admitted sex compulsives (a term I think is a little sexier; addict gets thrown around too much). Robert Downey, Jr. went on the record saying that he "used to be" an addicted masturbator (fucking quitter *grin).
Thursday, I was late for a morning appointment because of lube, porn and the internet. I edged some nutt without orgasming fully, ate it, washed in the sink (no time to shower) and bolted out the door. You think I'd learn not to start bating within 3 hours of having to be anywhere.
Ahh, the autoerotic pleasures of the penis!
So what makes you addicted? Check out a few questions below. I'm interested to hear what you have to say.
Do you consider yourself addicted?
If so, to what?
Do you agree with the dictionary's definition?
If not, what would you change about the definition?
How has your addiction impacted your life (physically, socially, financially, etc.).
Have you tried to do anything about this or are you enjoying it too much?