Earlier I had an intense makeout session through the huge cutout in the partition with a sexy young Latino. His lips were as full as mine, which drove me to madness because I got to literally suck. He was an insanely good kisser. We tried to (gently) tear the lips off each other's face. At one point, my entire head up to the clavicle was on the other side of the wall. Now I ask you, why the hell didn't I just go in the booth where he was?
The random part of it all was seeing my ex boyfriend from college walk by me in the sex area. I hadn't seen him in about 4 years. My current boyfriend (you know, the porn dude *grin*) lives in Harlem. I'll give you one guess where the ex lives. Uh yeah. Freaky. And both their first names start with J. And they both have penises. I know, right?
Finally, I learned a valuable lesson: When in a sex booth, hang your clothes up because they'll get nutted on. I was getting fucked by the same guy who had been riding my dick minutes earlier in the 3 way, when he pulled out and left. I didn't know if or where he actually blew his load...until I picked up my green striped shirt.