I just arrived in Finland last night. They're racing me all over the country starting in about an hour. So I have no time to write anything profound.
The Frankfurt sesshin was wonderbar! Many thanks to everyone attended and big special thanks to Regina Oberndorfer for making the whole thing happen. The photo is a shot of the whole group on the last day. The quilt I'm wearing over my shoulder is actually a kesa made by Michel Proulx from fabric scraps donated from all over Europe. Groovey!
I'd like to direct your attention to the page linked over there to your left about my tour in case you're in Finland and want to see some of the stuff. It's over there<<<<<<
Here's where I'll be today:
•August 24, 2009 (Mon) 4 – 5:30 pm Zazen at Joogastudio Samadhi, Askaistentie 89, 20810 Turku, After zazen there will a talk and open discussion. Contact: Ari Vuokko studio@olen.to
•August 24, 2009 (Mon) 6:30 - 8:00 pm, public lecture at Turku Main Library's lecture hall (Studio) Linnankatu 2, 20100 Turku.