Sickest Buddhist from GenerateLA on Vimeo.
Something like five people have forwarded this video to me. So I guess I'd better post it. I've met guys like this. More often, though, it's much more toned down. When you visit a retreat center right after a practice period all the young studs are just shining Enlightenment all over you. It's not quite as obnoxious as the guy in the video. But they are kind of like teenagers the way they now understand absolutely everything. It's cute. I remember my first kensho too...*Anyway, I guess some people are upset that this video makes fun of Buddhists. That's kind of cute as well.
My favorite line is, "I make the Power of Now look like the Power of Then!"
Oh and to all the commenters planning to write, "The guy in the video is just like Brad!" Ha! I beat you to it! (And he's not. I dress much better.)
* This is a variation on the standard comeback line comedians use to hecklers, "I remember my first beer too." Don't read anything more into it than that.
The folks who own the rights to "The Sickest Buddhist" are apparently asserting ownership claims about it & getting it taken off the Internet. As is their right. I used to do this with illegal Ultraman stuff that showed up on eBay. Though if they want my advice (I doubt they do!), it's probably a smarter move to leave it up there to generate interest in the young unknown comedian who made it (which is why we never complained about Ultraman on YouTube). Whatever.
Anyway, here are some other funny Buddhist themed videos. "Facebook Buddha" is genius! The Dharma Tweet crowd could learn a lot from that one.