Pic from same session last week. Just another angle (without my penis in the frame). I didn't mention previously that, minutes before he arrived the first time, he texted me to say he also liked deep ass play. I really didn't want to, but he assured me that he was prepared. The experience didn't disappoint for either of us. Having my fingers inside him, expertly massaging his prostate made me leak crazy precum all over his ass.
Speaking of precum, about 1.5 years ago I traveled to a Quincy hotel to meet a guy. Touching him was a very big turn on for me. He was lying on his stomach, eyes closed and totally oblivious to my erection. Sometimes I do the nude bodywork with my eyes closed as well (and sometimes I text while working on the feet with one hand. No lie). It's meditative, helps me get in tune with the client's body and lets me fantasize about my heteroflexible friend, D. It was with closed eyes that I was standing at this giant's head massaging his scalp and shoulders when I looked down and noticed a long, thick string of precum dangling approximately 5 or 6 inches into the man's silky blond hair. Of course he didn't know, but I quickly massaged it in. I pretended it was Paul Mitchell's Frizz-eeze. LOL
Speaking of precum, about 1.5 years ago I traveled to a Quincy hotel to meet a guy. Touching him was a very big turn on for me. He was lying on his stomach, eyes closed and totally oblivious to my erection. Sometimes I do the nude bodywork with my eyes closed as well (and sometimes I text while working on the feet with one hand. No lie). It's meditative, helps me get in tune with the client's body and lets me fantasize about my heteroflexible friend, D. It was with closed eyes that I was standing at this giant's head massaging his scalp and shoulders when I looked down and noticed a long, thick string of precum dangling approximately 5 or 6 inches into the man's silky blond hair. Of course he didn't know, but I quickly massaged it in. I pretended it was Paul Mitchell's Frizz-eeze. LOL