The leader of the British National Party, Nick Griffin MEP, has reminded all party supporters that the English Defence League is a proscribed organisation and members are under no circumstances to attend or encourage others to attend any of that group’s meetings.
"The violent thugs of the far-left UAF and the mysterious multi-cultural, anti-Islamic organisation known as the English Defence League between them threaten to spark the Mother of All Riots in Bradford at the end of this month,” Mr Griffin said in a statement.
“All British National Party members are reminded that the EDL was declared a proscribed organisation back in September last year, so to attend or to encourage attendance at any of its activities is a disciplinary offence.
“We yield to no-one in our opposition to the Islamification of Britain, and our support for the right to peaceful demonstrations on behalf of any cause, but neither of these causes will be advanced in any way by the EDL,” Mr Griffin said.
"I urge our people to use their August weekends coming to the BNP Summer School on 21st - 22nd August and the Indigenous Forum's Family Weekend that replaces the Red-White-and-Blue on 28th - 30th August, because both are constructive responses to the increasing problems caused by mass immigration and Islamism that are likely to spill over into violence in Bradford. "
The proscription of the EDL was announced in a formal statement by then BNP national organiser Eddy Butler in September 2009 as follows: “The reasons for this proscription are that the English Defence League, through its activities, brings nationalist and patriotic politics into disrepute. If the English Defence League is not instigated by and its activities are not encouraged by the state (which it quite possibly is), then the track record of this organisation shows that it is run by people who will only bring discredit and probable arrest for anyone who attends its events. The British National Party does not wish to be associated with the English Defence League in any way whatsoever.”
Speaking today to BNP news, Mr. Griffin confirmed that he has this morning written to Lee Barnes, for several years the head of the BNP Lgal Department, removing him from that position on account of his call for all British nationalists to join the EDL demonstration:
"Mr. Barnes is entitled to his opinions, and to urge others to attend, but he cannot do so from a position within the BNP hierarchy. So I have thanked him for his past efforts on our behalf and the sterling service he has rendered the party on a number of occasions, and told him that we have to part company over this issue.
“We cannot risk allowing the media to tar the BNP with the EDL brush, let alone to link us with what could all too easily become a very serious outbreak of disorder and communal violence.
“At times like these, political responsibility ceases to be a pretty slogan on a campaign wish list and becomes an absolute necessity. If people can't see this, and the need to enforce it without fear or favour, then they are menace to everyone, including themselves.
“The job of BNP leader is to take action to safeguard the party, its elected representatives and its members. This is a job I take seriously, hence my decision in this matter, which is now closed."
Bradford BNP Councillor Paul Cromie, who retained his council seat in Queensbury in May despite a ferocious opposition attempt to oust him, has added his weight to the call for our people to be responsible and stay away:
"It's everyone's democratic right to demonstrate peacefully. It's why we fought two World Wars. But Bradford doesn't need these people coming in and giving the thugs of the far-left and their anti-British Islamist allies the excuse to kick off the full-scale riot they want to 'radicalise' young Muslims,” Mr Crome said.
“I appeal personally to every single BNP member and supporter: However much you agree with peoples' right to demonstrate peacefully and that the creeping Islamisation of Britain is a danger, stay away from the EDL and from Bradford over the Bank Holiday weekend."