Lib. Lab and Con. have planned mass immergration for years, and handed everything over to the Muslims on a plate. It matters not who is in power, they all piss in the same pot. Lib. Lab and Con, do not care less about the state of our country or who they let in. They have let Muslims become MP's, and they want even more, in other words they are helping the Muslims to get ready for the total take over of Britain, and the Muslim way of life. Our Children and Grand children will have no future what so ever, and they will know no freedom, and our Fathers and fore fathers who fought in two world wars for our freedom, will have been fought in vain. Today our soldiers are fighting a war that no one can win, it's just a pointless waste of life for our lads, boy's of 18 years old dying, and for what? the real war is in our own country, the enemy is taking us over without tanks and guns, and also with the help of our own Government. While all our soldiers are fighting the Muslims in Afganistan, the Muslims who live in Britain, are planning to take us over. Shahid Malik has predicted the total Islamification of Britain and a Muslim Prime Minster within the next 30yrs. In his speech Malik said he was proud of the achievements of the Muslims of this country since 1997, referring to Muslim MP's. Malik went on to say that in 1997 we got our first Muslim MP. In 2001 we had two Muslim MP's. In 2005 we had four Muslim MP's, then he goes on to say, in 2010, we will have eight or ten Muslim MP's, and in 2014 we will have sixteen Muslim MP's, then he say's, at this rate the whole parliament will be Muslim. he went on to say. I am confident we will see a Muslim Prime Minister within the next 30yrs. The take over has already started, the British public are being brainwashed in to thinking it will never happen, and we are told it's even racist to even talk about it. The UAF are good examples of this, they scream and shout at anyone who dares to say we are being took over, they resort to violance at any chance they get, but i wonder what these same people will be saying in the next fwe years, when they are watching their Grand son or Grand daughter being flogged, for being caught drinking or having possession of a Bible, or maybe they are being hung or beheaded in public for not turning to Islam. I wonder if they will be proud then, knowing they are the one's who supported this. It's time to wake up. TIME IS SHORT. It's now or never. The Choice Is In The Hands Of The Voter.
A. Sayers