Denmark’s Danish People’s Party has announced its intention to call a complete halt to all Third World immigration into that country in a move which is bound to raise tensions within the Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) political group in the European Parliament.
The Dansk Folkeparti (DF), led by Pia Kjærsgaard, is the third largest political party in Denmark and while not part of the cabinet, maintains a close cooperation with the government parties on most issues.
In return for their parliamentary support, the DF has been able to influence government legislation designed to clamp down on immigration and “asylum seekers.”
Now the party appears to be on the brink of accepting that Third World immigration per se is destructive to Denmark.
On Tuesday, the party began its 2010 summer group meeting in Vejle, Jutland, where the new measure is under discussion. The policy is, according to the Danish media, a “continuation of the proposal the party made last month to toughen the 24-year rule for foreign spouses of Danes.”
That rule refers to a clause in the immigration law which requires that a Danish citizen and a foreign born spouse both have to be over 24 in order qualify for Danish residence.
At the latest strategy meeting, the DF leadership said that it now feels there “should instead be put a complete stop to immigration from non-Western countries.”
According to Peter Skaarup, the DF’s deputy chairman and immigration spokesman, it is “necessary to restrict, if not fully put a stop to, the integration to Denmark from the non-Western world, as this integration is a hindrance on the country’s economy, which is already under pressure due to the effects of the financial crisis.”
Mr Skaarup said it was necessary to stop the immigration in order to secure the survival of the welfare state, as it can only continue to exist if immigrants pay taxes.
By implication, Mr Skaarup was pointing out the uncomfortable truth that Third World immigrants in Denmark use social welfare, but do not pay in.
The DF policy is in direct contradiction to the policies of its fellow EFD members, of whom UKIP is a leading member.
According to UKIP’s formal policy documents, “Britishness is also defined by a civic nationalism, which is inclusive, as opposed to religious or racial nationalism, which is exclusive. Civic nationalism is defined by loyalty and identification with the symbols of nationhood, such as the national flag. Civic nationalism's real beauty is it is open to all, whatever their ethnic, religious or linguistic background or skin colour, as the only thing the person has to do is self identify as British and demonstrate loyalty and consistency in their beliefs.” (UKIP on Restoring Britishness, Policy Statement, January 2010).
The DF’s new policies will doubtless cause tensions within the EFD and observers await the civic nationalist response to the new Danish policy with interest.