Some people might say it's racist to put the 14 words on to the blog, no it's not. It is a fact that we as a nation are being over run with the Muslim population. Now white British expectant mothers are being turned away from maternity wards because there is no room for them, because the staff are to busy helping the Muslims to have their babys.One hospital even had to shut its maternity ward for two months because its staff were needed elsewhere to deliver babies from foreign-born mothers.
What is to become of Great Britain? within the next few years, Britain will become an Islamic state, the white people will be the minority in our own country. There has never been a better time to act on the 14 words, the words David Lane spoke are true, just like the speach Enoch Powell gave in 1968, warning of the dangers to come.It is NOT racist to say we must secure the future of white children, because if we don't, then it's the end of our race.