Figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed that last year a grand total of 518,000 legal immigrants entered Britain.
This figure does not include those who entered the country illegally, estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands, or the vast numbers of bogus asylum seekers whose status is currently in limbo but who never get deported.
In its quarterly immigration overview, the ONS announced that 203,865 people were granted British citizenship in 2009 — an increase of 58 percent on 2008.
Tens of thousands more immigrants were also given the right to settle in the UK, with the total being up 30 percent to more than 190,000. Of those, grants of settlement linked to jobs rose from 37,000 in 2007 to more than 60,000 in 2008 and 81,000 last year — despite unemployment amongst British people rising to nearly 2.6 million
In addition, the ONS’s quarterly immigration figures showed a 30 percent increase in the number of non-EU student visa numbers last year compared to 2008. In the final three months of 2009, 61,715 student visas were issued, an increase of 92 percent on the same period in 2008.
Earlier figures revealed that 250,000 non-EU “student visas” were granted every year.
It is clear, therefore, that the student visa racket is merely another avenue for immigration as it is impossible for all of these 250,000 “students” to be accommodated at British educational institutions.
Earlier it was announced that 61 percent of primary school children in Birmingham are ethnically not British and that 25 percent of all live births in England and Wales last year were to mothers not born in Britain.
The 2001 census claimed that 13 percent of the population was “ethnic minority” in origin. Last year the ONS said that 10 percent of the UK’s current population was not born here or have no ancestral ties to Britain.
In addition, there are some 600,000 natural deaths every year in Britain — the vast majority old people who are members of the indigenous community. This, combined with the number of British people who leave the country every year and the number of immigrants coming in, means an effective population switch of up to one million every year. This does not even take into account the immigrant birth rate, which is far higher than that of the indigenous population.
When all of that is added together, it is clear that the native British people are being steadily ethnically cleansed from their ancient homeland by a tidal wave of colonists under the guise of immigration.
Only the British National Party has a clearly defined policy and the willpower to save Britain: all of the other parties are active accessories to this genocide of the British nation.
Despite the desperate circumstances, the BNP is fighting back and increasing numbers of indigenous British people are awakening to their plight. The BNP will not rest until the future of our people is assured and the nation-wrecker old gang parties are defeated.