Take that Japan! After taking the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest for the last 6 years, America finally won the competition this year after Joey Chestnut ate a world record 66 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes. Takeru Kobayashi, the Japanese competitive eating champion who has won the contest for the past six years, placed second, and will probably have to kill himself from the shame of losing to the U-S-A, U-S-A.

I am sorry if I seem a little "over the top" with my patriotism, but with all of the crap the Bush Administration is doing to my country, this is the first bit a news about the USA that I can express anything except outrage.

Is it just me, or does Joey look a bit gay to you? I mean it would explain his lack of a gag reflex and his ability to fit so many hot dogs in his mouth at once. I am just saying.