I drove out to Sperryville, Virginia this weekend to visit Joe and Gregg in their mountain cabin. I had not been to the Shenandoah National Park area for some time and forgot how beautiful it is out there.

When I turned on the road that Joe and Gregg live on, I felt like I was in some bad horror film, driving up a narrow one lane road with nothing around. But after a few hundred yards, I came upon their beautiful mountain cabin.

It is like no other mountain cabin I have ever seen. Some of the locals call it the "car dealership." It is full of windows and modern appliances and furnishings. Gregg and I have similar tastes in decor, so I loved the cabin.

This is Joe, Gregg, and their cute dog, Gus. We went for a walk up the mountain, talked, played Boggle and Scrabble, watched TV, listened to music, gazed at the stars, drank wine, and ate lasagna. What more could you ask for?

I was struck by this sign on the drive, until I found out that the man that owns the place makes about $2 million a year making tables "so good they look antique."