Corey and I took an historical day trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Our first stop was the Eisenhower Farm located on the edge of the battlefield. Because there is no parking at the Eisenhower farm, we had to take a shuttle bus. The woman taking Corey's ticket was our shuttle driver, who I felt really hated her job.

Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower bought this farm in 1950 to retire, but retirement was delayed by a decade when Dwight was asked to lead NATO and then elected President to lead our nation. This farm was the only home the Eisenhower's owned during their 53 years together.

The inside of the farm house is pretty much how the Eisenhower's left it when they died. This sun room is where they spent most of their time together. Eisenhower would paint, and Mamie would watch TV or play cards with her friends. The unfinished painting on the easel is a reproduction of the one that Eisenhower was working on when he died.

This is a Dwight Eisenhower original that is hanging in the upstairs hallway. His paintings are not that great, but I thought it was very cool that they had several originals in the house.

This is the master bedroom, where Mamie would often stay in bed until noon. She felt that every woman, when she reached the age of 50, should stay in bed until noon. She greeted many visitors and planned many events in this bed. She was also addicted to the soap opera, "As the World Turns" and when she had an event that conflicted with watching it, she would have a secret service agent watch the show and take copious notes to keep her up to date. Love her.

When I got to a bookshelf on the second floor near the bedroom, I was told that they were books that the Eisenhower's owned and read. I was looking at the titles when one jumped out at me. I am not sure what it is about, but I am going to pretend that it is dirty. I like Ike.