Marcia planned a day trip to several Virginia vineyards in celebration of our friend Deb's upcoming wedding and move to New Jersey. Marcia rented an SUV, which shocked me because she works for an environmental group and is militant on global warming, but it was nice to have lots of room.

The first place we stopped was crowded with an engagement party. They annoyed me to no end, mostly because they would not leave the cute guy behind the counter alone. They even asked him to join them to tour other vineyards. (which he declined) It made me love him even more.

I am no wine snob, but I did not find the wines we tasted very appealing at the first two places we visited. In fact, it was some of the worst wine I have experienced since drinking Blue Nun in high school.

But that all changed at our last stop, Rappahannock Cellars. I liked almost every wine I tasted and bought four bottles to bring home. We also bought two bottles to drink with the crab cakes, chicken salad, and bacon cheese cake we had for lunch. It was delicious.

Of course, it didn't hurt that this guy was working at Rappahannock Cellars. He was stunning and very friendly. These wine makers know what they are doing, putting hot guys behind the counter to get wedding parties and gay men to buy lots of wine.