Dan, Toby, Tom and I went to the Washington Nationals game with about 2,000 other gays. It is the most men I have ever seen not watch a baseball game in my life.
Team DC, the gay sports league, sponsored "Night Out" where gays take over the upper deck behind home plate to watch baseball. The Nationals played well and (surprisingly) beat the Houston Astros. I am sure they won because of Dan's foam finger he bought before the game.

I have been to a few of the National's games this year and have fallen in lust with Clint, the "Nat Pack" spokesperson and all around hunk. You can see him in the picture to the right of Teddy Roosevelt, getting ready to throw a t-shirt into the crowd.

Before and after the game, we went to
Nellie's Sports Bar on 9th and U. Our friend Daren is the general manager and has been working on opening Nellie's for over a year, which they did on the night of the game.
They had over a 1,000 people come for the opening, so it looks like Nellie's is going to be a huge success. Not that any of us had any doubts.