Miles Traveled Thus Far, According to MapQuest: 5296.59 miles
Miles Yet to Travel: 8437.12 miles
Cities Visited: 7
Cities Yet to Visit: 18
Highest Estimated Turnout: 40-50 (Seattle, WA)
Lowest Estimated Turnout: 10-15 (San Francisco, CA)
Total Alcoholic Beverages Consumed, Kyle plus Kathy: 9
Total Automobile Trips: 11
Total Bus Trips: 7
Total Train Trips (Including Transfers): 5
Total Plane Trips: 3
Shortest Night's Sleep: 4 hours
Longest Night's Sleep: 8 1/2 hours
Longest Period of Waking Alone Time Per Tourmate So Far (Average): 37 minutes
Total Apartments Slept In: 3
Total Houses Slept In: 3
Total Airplanes Slept In: 3
Total Buses Slept In: 0
Total Cars Slept In: 1
Total Hotels Slept In: 0
Total Peanut Butter Sandwiches Consumed: 4
Total Packages of Saltine Crackers Stolen from Minneapolis Restaurants: 7
Total Awkward Moments: 17
Total Transcendent Moments: 6
Number of Times I Have Been Addressed as Kevin in After-Reading Q&A's or Signings: 2
Number of Stories About Prague-to-Mongolia Road Rallies Told in Bars: 1
Number of Cool and/or Interesting People We've Met So Far: Approximately 273
Number of Times Kathy Has Publicly Missed Martin: 19 1/2