If you've never had the chance to take the Chinatown shuttle, aka the Fung Wah, I highly recommend it for its inexpensivity and adventure. Here it is, parked outside of a McDonald's somewhere in Connecticut, all hulking and multicultural:
No (no!) sleep (sleep!) till Brooklyn (Brooklyn!)
Author: blog xxx
Kyle and I woke up this morning in Providence in the driving rain, returned the rental car in Boston in the dispersing gloom, and took the bus to NYC in the hesitant sun, all in the span of approximately eight hours. That's three major East Coast cities in way under a day. Three! We are living the dream. Kyle's staying with his friend Doug in Brooklyn, and I'm crashing with my old friend Brendan, a philosophy professor at NYU, pictured here, to your right, my left, in this double-portrait-in-a-bedroom-mirror:
He lives on the fifth floor, so while that was brutal in terms of getting my eight-days'-worth of luggage up the stairs (thanks, Brendan!), it offers spectacular views from every single window: 
If you've never had the chance to take the Chinatown shuttle, aka the Fung Wah, I highly recommend it for its inexpensivity and adventure. Here it is, parked outside of a McDonald's somewhere in Connecticut, all hulking and multicultural:
And here, just because it grossed me out/cracked me up, is a sign advertising "100 % Beefy Satisfaction x2"--that's 200 %, mind you--at said McDonald's:
And here is Kyle's lunch, which, you will note, involves both a quesadilla and nacho cheese Doritos, because this is a great country and, like I said, we are living the dream:
Hope to see you tonight at Freebird Books! Rockstar!
If you've never had the chance to take the Chinatown shuttle, aka the Fung Wah, I highly recommend it for its inexpensivity and adventure. Here it is, parked outside of a McDonald's somewhere in Connecticut, all hulking and multicultural:
new york