I am an American, Chicago-born...
Author: blog xxx
Chicago is a rather lengthy city from North to South. Here, Abby is seen sporting her red coat and taking the 45 minutes afforded by the ride on the red line from my apartment to the AWP Conference in the Loop to get in a little crosswordery, courtesy of the Redeye:
Once we got to the Chicago Hilton, we entered one of the many cavernous exhibit halls, where the Rose Metal Press table was looking attractive and bookish:
And speaking of attractive and bookish, here's a picture of Martin:
After spending most of the day beneath the unforgiving fluorescent lights of the Bookfair, it was refreshing to spend most of the night beneath the softer and more soothing lights of the Hideout, where even this wall-mounted Mahi Mahi looked tranquil:
Elisa lives in Boston, so she and I don't get to read together nearly often enough, so we try to make it count when we do. Here we are, rocking the mic:
Thanks to Make/ACM/etc for hosting, and thanks to everyone for listening. Now, it's back to the Bookfair to do the same thing we did yesterday all over again. Tonight, if you're free, be sure to come by the small press readings at Links Hall, starting at 8:00.
augie march